Sunday, December 4, 2011

Talking to myself again...?!

I have to confess that this isn't much of a blog: I don't write as often as I'd like. I have so little time to write and I tend to prioritize everything...and quite frankly, there's a great deal on my list that comes before talking to myself! Unless you somehow stumbled across the link and arrived expecting to find something interesting, or received a radio signal through the fillings in your teeth...this little virtual environment is probably a bit like a window that someone might glance into while passing through.

So! What would you see?

Well...TODAY you'd see something that hasn't been lurking for awhile....NEW LINKS!!
Yes, I've updated all of the download links, and added something new for amusement. The Scrapbookcircus file collection has a new home online, new files coming, new pages...and if you don't own the equipment to create these things and don't want to be limited to a system that restricts creativity to cartridges... you can find an electronic Die Cutter to suit any budget just in time for Christmas at That's Scrap Inc. Please tell Sherri that the Circus elf said 'hello'. :)

If you're looking for any of my Print and Cut projects...this collection is now available EXCLUSIVELY at All That Jazz Supplies. Tyler and his wonderful wife have been repackaging these to cut perfectly from any machine which utilizes a laser eye...and they've included the registration settings to make it simple, too!


Caroline said...

great to read some news on you :)

Caroline said...

and thankyou so much for the great file! love your work!

Esther W-B said...

Welcome back Char! It's great to see you blogging again. Thanks for the cute freebie!

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